Who we are


Using a mix of technical expertise, project management, engineering, and know-how, we are the trusted, 可靠的合作伙伴,保护澳门拉斯平台首页的客户的设备和员工.

欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页帮助工业发展和经济发展. 澳门拉斯平台首页用激情、智慧、力量和信任去做.

Move Smart With an experienced team

Omega Morgan’s origins began in 1991. 最初的创始人有一个愿景,将更高水平的服务带给 rigging and machinery moving in the Pacific Northwest.

In 2023, Omega Morgan joined forces with several partner companies to form the Omega Morgan Group of Companies. With over 500 employees, 欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页集团公司在俄勒冈州设有办事处, Washington, Idaho, Utah, California, and Texas in the United States, as well as Calgary, Alberta in Canada. However, our teams go wherever we’re needed; we serve clients across North America while planning projects that span the globe.

欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页提供工业服务,包括 specialized transportation, heavy lift and rigging, machinery moving, millwright, crane services, logistics, warehousing, and applied and industrial metrology. 而澳门拉斯平台首页的大型项目,比如澳门威斯人平台首页变压器, bridges, 敏感的技术设备得到国内和国际的认可, 澳门拉斯平台首页以提供世界级的安全解决方案而自豪, efficiency, strength, and trust. Large or small, we do it all.


Today, we are the premier provider of industrial services and solutions thanks to the dedication and expertise of each and every member of Team Green.

澳门拉斯平台首页的团队是业内最优秀的, with a depth of experience and expertise matched only by their commitment to provide exceptional service to our customers, every time.


Our People

The Omega Morgan Group of Companies is a group of leading industrial service providers that span western Canada and the West Coast, Mountain Region, and southern United States. They serve customers across North America with innovative solutions for the complex moving, rigging, 以及制造商面临的运输挑战, contractors, and logistics providers.